Carissa Rau's profile

Voiceless Film Marketing Concept

The right to make a mess. The right to sing and dance. The right to play. The right to run. The right to take a nap. The right to daydream. The right to bark like a dog. The right to meow like a cat. The right to cry. The right to make up stories. The right to make shadow puppets. The right to build a fort. The right to save ladybugs from drowning in the pool. The right to have christmas presents. The right to bake cookies. The right to wear socks on hands. The right to draw outside the lines. The right to go to the park. The right to ride a bike. The right to play dress-up. The right to be tucked into bed. The right to be read to. The right to say “I love you.” The right to be loved. The right to play house. The right to have secrets. The right to climb a tree. The right to collect rocks. The right to pick out a candy. The right to be confident. The right to have a tea party. The right to be held. The right to have a nickname. The right to have no worries. The right to catch lizards. The right to enjoy going to school. The right to make up games. The right to paint a fridge-worthy picture. The right to blow out the candles and make a wish. The right to have friends over. The right to have family dinners. The right to watch saturday morning cartoons.
Voiceless Film Marketing Concept


Voiceless Film Marketing Concept

The Voiceless Film started out as a communications project for a class. We could choose any cause that we were passionate about, then create mark Read More
