Baz Pringle's profile

Battlefield 2042 - Motion Graphics

Styleframe Exploration - Style 1  /  Digital Storm Styling
Battlefield 2042 - Motion Graphics

I had the great privilage to help out EA / DICE on Battlefield 2042's front end menu system.  My task was to create a set of 4 4K animated pieces that would play behind the various UI screens of the game.  

The theme of the movies was to reflect the heavy enphasis on the changing weather systems in Battlefield 2042.  Styleframes were developed and discussed before the final look was settled on, and production on the 4K movies could begin.

The styles explored range from more realistic renderings of the earth, to more abstract interpretations of the planet and its weather, to a completely digital/UI representation.

Two of the final movies were created solely in After Effects.  After much experimentation, I found that faking a 3D digital display with simulated clouds was much better suited to a 2D approach within After Effects, and also allowed for faster iteration.  However, the style of the other two movies required a true 3D approach, and Cinema 4D and Octane were used to for the final render, with post work done in After Effects.


UI Design The DICE UI team
Art Direction – Viktor Blanke and Pascal Eggert
Styleframes, Concepts, and Final Motion Graphics – Baz Pringle
Styleframe Exploration - Style 1  /  Air Currents
Styleframe Exploration - Style 1  /  Air Currents
Styleframe Exploration - Style 2
Styleframe Exploration - Style 2
Styleframe Exploration - Style 2
Styleframe Exploration - Style 2
Conceptual Render – Exploration inspired by weather maps
Crossplay Screen – Conceptual with UI overlay
Legal Page – Conceptual with UI overlay
Accessibility Page – Conceptual with UI overlay
Confirmation Screen – Conceptual with UI overlay
Simulating weather patterns with After Effects
Sound System Screen – Digital wind concept
Sound System Screen – Inspired by sound waves
Exploration – Map styling
Final 4K UI Background Video - 1 of 4
Final 4K UI Background Video - 2 of 4
Final 4K UI Background Video - 3 of 4
Final 4K UI Background Video - 4 of 4
Battlefield 2042 - Motion Graphics

Battlefield 2042 - Motion Graphics
