Brian A. Kuric's profile

Information graphic

What began as a place to educate and equip Christian ministers, has shifted into a place where many today believe "God is dead." Here is how the transition happened...
5 elements make up the composition of this information graphic...
First and foremost, a main graph charts the rise and fall of student population over time. 
A color system is used to show the percentage of students who attended church.
Second, a timeline shows key dates and events in the University's history that helped move the campus towards more religious or more secular.
Third, a chart depicts the number of students attending church on the Yale campus today.
Fourth, a diagram corresponding to the primary timeline maps the Yale presidents, 
their term in office, and if they held the role of campus minister while president.
Finally, a graph shows the percentage of students at the University who were studying to be ministers when the Yale Divinity School opened in 1824.
The environment for this information graphic would be hung on the wall in the Yale Student Union.
Information graphic

Information graphic

From Sacred to Secular: an information graphic that charts the transition of Yale University from a Christian institution to its secular status t Read More
