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Layout 2012 Annual Statistical Report on UN Procurement

2012 Annual Statistical Report on UN Procurement (ASR), a UN-wide publication
The ASR provides data and analysis on the goods and services procured by the United Nations system in support of its operations. This includes:
• UN procurement by country of supply
• A trend analysis of UN procurement from developing countries and countries with economies in transition
• The top 10 items and product groups procured by the UN 
• UN procurement from vendors that support the Global Compact
• A comparative analysis of the share of goods and services split by organization 
• UN procurement from members of the OECD’s Development Assistance Committee
The 2012 ASR has had more than 40,000 downloads
My work
Layout of the report, placement of data and previous years' graphical improvement.
Been assigned the same task for the 2013 ASR.
Find the link to the report here.
The following spreads are rendered examples of the report.
The report would look like this in perfect binding.
This report is not designed for print, but for digital use. Therefore a printed version from an ordirary inhouse printer is shown.
Layout 2012 Annual Statistical Report on UN Procurement

Layout 2012 Annual Statistical Report on UN Procurement

Layout and previous years' graphical improvement for the 2012 Annual Statistical Report on UN Procurement (ASR), a UN-wide publication.
