Photo Assignment 8
The violet bluish hues of the background were a great contrast for this portrait subject. I’m fond of the bold dark bar that lines up with the shoulder, it draws attention to the subject from the bland background.
ISO: 1000
f 2
81 mm
1/30 s
The room this was taken in had blue LED lights above, hence why even the shadows have a blue hue in them. The previous image had a more downward angle where this one has a more direct point of view.
ISO: 1250
f 2
56 mm
1/30 s
One of my personal favorites, I wanted to capture the layers of a person. The pieces in the closet, a true emotion shown in the shot. Plus the different colors make for a great contrast and add a nice pop of color.
ISO: 640
f 1.8
43 mm
1/30 s
The only animal I could get an actual portrait of, my dog, Nel. He posed and everything, I like the choice of side lighting. It casts a shadow from the steps and creates a guiding line with the step. 
ISO: 640
f 2
52 mm
1/15 s
These turkey vultures perch up on this water tower and the surrounding area annually. Though it may not truly be a “portrait” I really liked the black leading lines up from the bottom of the picture.
ISO: 20
f 2
270 mm
1/800 s
Though the cat is difficult to find without guidance, it is all I could capture from that distance. I tried to approach, but it ran into someone’s backyard. I liked the way the branches curve and point back towards the feline.
ISO: 65
f 2
270 mm
1/120 s
In this image from this past Thanksgiving, I captured some of my family in front of a family heirloom. The leading lines down from the big wooden cabinet always bring the eyes back to the subjects.
f 1.8
26 mm
1/20 s
I thought this image I captured at Thanksgiving was really funny. The leading lines from the steps lead you to a golden ratio of faces of relatives passed and present. I think it’s a great picture even though not one of them is paying attention to the camera. 
ISO: 1000
f 1.8
26 mm
1/20 s
This group of kids huddled around this car together down the street. I think this picture really captures the soul of the suburbs, especially with all the excessive traffic signs. I tried to follow the rule of thirds and really liked the white car behind them giving good contrast.
ISO: 20
f 2
270 mm
1/1050 s
I let my subject do whatever presses they felt natural doing, this was the first instinct. Another downward angle and the eye is likely to naturally wander downward from her face. 
ISO: 1000
f 2
80 mm
1/30 s
A noticeable perspective change, now shooting from above. I do appreciate the extreme contrast between her complexion and the fuzzy hood.
ISO: 640
f 1.8
26 mm
1/30 s
Using the closet as contrast, my subject chose a pose that balances the image. I think the choice of wardrobe adds a good contrast in texture. I like how the pose takes up a large amount the composition.
ISO: 1000
f 1.8
26 mm
1/30 s
To be frank, my favorite thing about this image is how well his head lines up with the words on the sign behind him. However, I also like that I captured more of his shadow cast on the wall. 
ISO: 20
f 2
62 mm
1/800 s
I couldn’t resist the way this shot was set up, this man was on a break and was smoking right in front of his shop. I really like how the dark reds from the brick and the ironic sign sort of faux frame the subject. I also like the additional green color contrast from the grass, he seems trapped.
ISO: 20
f 2
62 mm
1/235 s
This one is like the one before it, but with a different perspective. The man is now facing the opposite direction, and no longer smoking. It is as if he is reflecting on his actions. 
ISO: 20
f 2
62 mm
1/730 s
PA 8

PA 8


Creative Fields