Nondu Petlele's profile

Canine and Feline Cuisine

Feline & Canine Cuisine launch TVC
Smart cats & dogs deserve smart food
Everyone thinks their pets are smarter than others, or even smarter than some humans (and off the record, they might just). So, how do you keep your pets healthy and smart enough to know when something is just not adding up. We didn't wanna throw around scientific facts or speak about how it is "Recommended by 9 out of 10 veterinarians" *Side eye*. So we took a humourous approach, we wanted people to fall in love with the new brand, solidify the tone and the brand positioning, while highlighting the the human truth around pet parents. 
Canine & Feline Cuisine Weight Management Range launch
"Who you calling Chonky Boi"

We had to inform pet parents about our new rage as well as the health risks that come with an overweight pet. Just like humans, pet's shouldn't be fat shamed, so we looked at endearing nicknames people use for their chunky pets and used them in a way that encourages them to monitor their pets weight. All this without having them feel like they're being harassed by a Herbalife consultant.
Canine and Feline Cuisine

Canine and Feline Cuisine
