Sam Stephenson's profile

Cookie Sans Typeface

Cookie Sans is a brand new display typeface created by Sam Stephenson. Originally modelled on the rather cold Helvetica Black, Cookie Sans takes this template and adds a generous helping of sweetness, a crumbly character and an irresistibly soft centre; resulting in a more heart-warming take on the Swiss classic.
100% authentic, Cookie Sans is just what it looks like: real cookies baked into each character shape. This gives it a uniquely organic look; each bulge, crack and abnormality are 100% natural and only serve to add character to an already charming typeface.
Cookie Sans is available in 2 weights and one bonus style, each reflecting a stage in the making process. Light being the raw mix pre-bake, Black being the plain cookies fresh from the oven, and Colour being the finished articles all decorated up and lovely looking!
Making-of video
Cookie Sans Colour
Cookie Sans Regular
Cookie Sans Light
Cookie Sans Typeface

Cookie Sans Typeface

A typeface based on Helvetica and baked into REAL cookies!
