I created two Zines, both printed on a Riso-Printer and binded by myself.
For the first one I had to design a layout inspired by Swiss Design. I chose the topic "circus", since it is the opposite of Swiss Design (colorful, complex, playful,..) I tried to integrate playfulness into the layout to show, that even circus can be visualized in a minimalistic, simplistic and organized way - as the Swiss Designers would have wanted it.
The excercise was focused on Layout and working with Grids in InDesign. I found the text online: 5 Myths about the Circus - Janet M. Davis, Opinions The Washington Post
The next Zine is my own personal Design Manifesto
 - my view on Design and my standing point as a person and artist.

I designed it to be ever-changing and (when the time comes) to be rewritten, changed and adapted, if outdated. I added a pen and extra sheets of paper for people to write in more Ideas and develop it even further - to be never-ending.
I printed it with the Riso-Printer at my University. I did end up to make a mistake and printed the wrong color on one page - but it just shows even more, that it is adaptable and being okay of changes. 
I really enjoyed this project and stand behind every word I have written in it
The Coverpage is a visual representation of how I want the Manifesto to be. I took an old Design Manifesto from 1918 (~ over a 100 years old) and crossed out words to renew it - so it fits our new developed perspective of Design. The Backcover explains my intentions to the reader. 

