Juliya Eva's profileSabina Shchukina's profile

Nome ― Restaurant brand identity


Scope of work
Logo design, visual identity, illustrations, packaging, merch, social media


Nome ⏤ a new Moscow restaurant of Italian cuisine, but with author's "refinements".
Nome ⏤ translates from Italian as "the name". Demonstrates a fresh look at Italian cuisine, where there is room for new combinations, and a light pan-Asian accent makes the flavors brighter.

Thank you for your attention!
Have a project? Contact to →​​​​​​​ jevadsgn@gmail.com​​​​​​​
Graphic Design by Juliya Eva
Photographies by Sabina Schukina
Interior design by ESENINS design studio

Nome ― Restaurant brand identity

Project Made For

Nome ― Restaurant brand identity

Restaurant visual identity
