EL(ID)ED is an experimental editorial graphic design piece in the form of a zine on the concept of how one's digital identity seems to be distorted, fragmented and fake. Designed, conceptualized and binded by me.

This project is presented as a collection of typical imagery from social media such as Instagram or Twitter where users seek to look perfect and ignore or mask reality. Under the premise of virality, trends, positive intermittent reinforcement and the necessity to fit in to not be different and expelled, a series of distorted photographs, broken and omitted identities are shown. By being disfigured and imperfect, in a way, the identities are more trustworthy and close to real life
The depiction of this concept is achieved through the design of various inserts that make up all of the pages. They are all different sizes and different page lengths, and their contained images are connected throughout depending on the position they are put into or whether or not the pages have been turned


Insert made wordless book on social media fake image and perception of identity.
