Kandice Zimbleman's profile

Hiems Ex Machina, Winter Cinematic Experiments [FILM]

Official Film Listing on IMDb
Official Film Listing on FilmFreeway

Director's Official Listings:
Experimental Film "Hiems Ex Machina"
By Kandice Kathleen Zimbleman

Basic Thesis:

This film was created with the intent to help non-artist, and non-filmmakers whom tend to unwittingly fall under the category of "narrative bias" whom only watch Commercial/Mainstream Media Content.

It cuts together 3 Film Shorts that intentionally EXPERIMENT & EXPLORE techniques ORIGINALLY developed in the Experimental Cinema Genre, including Montage, Long takes, Time Lapse, Slow Motion, and the original form of "Documentary" which originated in Experimental films in the 1920s.

This film ACTUALLY has no overt narrative, but loosely utilizes aspects of narrative.

It uses the concept of SYMBOLISM and "The Filmmaker" is represented using a VFX Square of the Filmmaker with moving particles, and dissolves as a STAND IN, or PROXY of the filmmaker. This was often used in Ancient Art such as Egypt, or Sumeria, in which the Monarch would have a narrative or theme to communicate he or she was doing something, but presented in a visual rhetorical framing to appear a certain way to people whom don't actually know him/her.

The Depiction of "The Filmmaker" as a character, makes her seem like a quirky, whimsical person, which clashes with the films' themes.

The use of this "Device" or "Narrative device" helps to bring the viewer into watching the film, even tho' they would otherwise be ignorant, or uninterested in the Experimental Cinema Genre. It duped the viewer into actually LEARNING & Participating WITH THE FILM ART and BECOMING an aspect of the film BY MERELY OBSERVING IT.

Duchamp actually used a similar technique with his Instillation at the Philadelphia Art Museum.

The Texts & Audio Dubbing, ask questions of the viewer about how they feel, what they think, and what they think "The Filmmaker" thinks & feels.

The REASON most people misunderstand, or DON'T UNDERSTAND, the Experimental Cinema Genre is die to "Narrative Bias" meaning they are primed & conditioned to EXPECT a STORY, and often scoff at trying to view it like a piece of art in a gallery.

But, once people are explained WHY Experimental Film is so interesting, they change their view of everything. The missing component about HOW to watch Experimental Films, AND WHY, is because you are needing to understand that there is an INTERNAL PROCESS, and an EXTERNAL PROCESS which involved the SOCIAL EXPERIENCE OF DISCUSSIONS. When you watch a commercial film, not everyone engages in a discussion afterwards. But, THE POINT of watching an EXPERIMENTAL FILM IS actually to THINK ABOUT WHAT IT ON THE SCREEN, WHY IT IS THERE, What the Filmmaker wanted to express and why, then discuss it with others.

So, this film duped you into doing this EVEN THO' no one in reality is talking to you.

Its uses a variety of rhetorical framing, including visually, symbolically, association, but also using words, such as texts, verbal words, and sound design through non-diegetic sound and non-diagetic texts and moving motion graphics. 

Another aspect utilizes is that in makes use of poetry, framing statements in the form of a question which FORCES the viewer to internalize it and think about it, but also leaves it open ended. It's ALL intentionally created for specific reasons. It's like a classroom, without being a classroom.

It also helps the person to learn analysis, interpretation, and drawing conclusions. 

Rather than an actual story, its fragments and themes, or moods of a concept. Things can clash, or go together.
Original Frost Graphics Created using:

* FlamePainter 4
* Clip Studio Paint
* Adobe Photoshop CC 2021
The Original 3 Short Films
Winter Entropy Montage [Final Cut 2017]
Winter Entropy Long Takes [Final Cut 2017]
We Whom Despise Winter, Biding Our Time [Final Cut 2017]
The Rough Cuts:
The Original Time Lapse shot in 2017
The Original VFX Animation for "Oppressed By Purple" Brand Channel 2021-2022
Created in After Effects CC
The Graphic the Symbolizes "The Filmmaker" as a Motif in the film, was originally from a Social Media Meme #ArtVsArtist #ArtVsArtist & #AnimationVsAnimator

The actual Filmmaker (not just the Graphic Motif) is a Media Polymath, and has studied in depth several types of Media. In other words, she's An Artist, Animator, Cinematographer, Filmmaker, and many more, in depth. The term "Jack of All Trades, but Master of none" need not apply. She's similar to what used to be referred to as a "Renaissance Man"; she is also a Philosopher, and a Partial Polyglot (Multilingual).
Hiems Ex Machina, Winter Cinematic Experiments [FILM]


Hiems Ex Machina, Winter Cinematic Experiments [FILM]
