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Effects Of Learning On Students' Academic Performance

The Effects Of Learning Style On Students' Academic Performance
Since every person has a distinct personality, their learning style determines their learning nature. These particular personality traits consequently create their preferred methods of learning.

These enlightened views have a long history that dates back to 334 BC. Over time, several outstanding educational thinkers and intellectuals have shared important information about these preferences.

The illustrious Greek philosopher Aristotle first highlighted the significance of individual diversity and the distinctive skill sets of students.

Various philosophers also created opinions on education that were comparable to one another. Most researchers examined how academic achievement is influenced by learning styles at different stages of acquiring these concepts, and many discovered a strong correlation between preferences and success.

Effect Of Learning Style On Students

Let's examine a few categories of learning styles identified by experts and discover how they impact a learner's academic success.

A learning style cannot be deemed to be either correct or improper. One is free to decide how one wants to study. It is also possible for one student to use a variety of teaching techniques.

These styles or preferences are subject to alter at any time for internal and external reasons. However, interpret these choices in terms of the dominating personality traits.

1. Visual: Due to their preference for seeing rather than hearing, students prefer using visual material such as pictures, movies, diagrams, charts, etc. Therefore, using visual presentations to convey instruction is the most effective strategy to meet the needs of these learners.

2. Auditory: The opposite of the optical type happens for auditory kinds. They pay attention to lectures and speeches and talk more to comprehend. These sorts of learners frequently talk aloud to process knowledge in their heads.

3. Kinesthetic: The third kind in this list is kinesthetic. These students opt to study by engaging in physical activities. They thus frequently have difficulties when following sedentary lessons in a regular classroom.

4. Practical: Additionally, it has been noted that even the most successful teaching techniques for diverse groups fail to engage them since each of their unique learning styles favors hands-on activities over listening to or watching films.

5. Reading and Writing: Reading and writing is the final learning style in this series, and once again, you can identify these students by their behavioural traits. They contend that writing down information makes it more memorable. As a result, they might be taking notes frequently.

Advantages Of Various Learning Styles In Academia

Depending on the audience, teaching is a complex process that necessitates various approaches, strategies, and techniques. Therefore, teachers must mix the most effective teaching methods to promote student engagement.

Making the right decision based on desired learning styles can have a significant impact, such as:

1. Better grades and scores
2. Possibility of improved technique design and planning
3. Granting the learner the flexibility to comprehend and absorb information in the desired manner
4. Maximize the results of learning
5. Reduced levels of stress and general cognitive burden
6. Gives children the confidence they need to achieve better
7. Enhanced brain function and development of higher cognitive capacity
8. Adding entertainment to the learning
9. Recognising and encouraging kids to exploit their innate skill sets

Do Learning Styles Impact Performance?

Students may have a range of learning preferences, and their knowledge and learning processes may occasionally shift. Famous psychologist Kolb created a technique to assist students in identifying the proper learning styles with these factors in mind.

He gave the tool the name "Learning Style Inventory."

The instrument's research indicates that a person's choice for learning depends on which of the four modes they choose. He divides these modes into:

1. Actual Experience
2. Observation with Reflection
3. Abstraction of Concepts
4. Experimenting Actively

This assessment highlights the significance of these problem-solving approaches since it demonstrates a connection between our cognitive processes and learning styles.

Studies show that achievements are increased by teaching according to the preferred learning style types because it improves a student's general attitude and increases their responsibility for learning.

Individuals become intrinsically motivated to engage in an activity when they find it engaging. It gives a student the ability to take control of their academic development.


Their learning preferences significantly impact one's total learning. Thus, they should be the main factors when planning an educational programme.
Because of the tremendous opportunities digital education provides in the current educational environment; people can recognise and assist different types of students. In the future, hopefully, more people will welcome this positive change in the educational landscape.
Effects Of Learning On Students' Academic Performance

Effects Of Learning On Students' Academic Performance
