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Rhythm of Revolution at NAAMCC 2021

Early design concept with a proposed color scheme.
Early concept panels and object label
Three panels focused heavily social issues during wartime America and shortly after. I catalogued and prepared the trumpet and sign to be displayed in a protective case. 
The layout of the exhibit encouraged the visitor to naturally transition eyes from right to left and into the next section of the exhibit. 
I wanted to focus on the faces of veterans and labor workers provided an opportunity to add a personal feeling to social movements of the 1930s and 1940s. The expressions and actions in the photographs tell a story deeper than a description could possibly provide. 
I put Billie Holiday and her performance of "Strange Fruit" as the center of the exhibit to emphasize her contribution to social change. Her courage to perform a controversial song coupled with her popularity as an artist, sparked future social justice movements. The large graphic of Billie Holiday captures her fear and strength in one moving image. 
Rhythm of Revolution at NAAMCC 2021


Rhythm of Revolution at NAAMCC 2021
