Life, Death and Distractions


This Fine Arts piece was created with the 3 primal ideas. The life we live, the death that follows, and the afterlife (distractions). 

In Youth we are set up by life, to live as much as possible and as grandiose as we can. 
In death we see the end of "ourselves" as beings, and consider it the final step in our journey.

In thought we think about what comes after death, the great distraction, that takes away from both life and death. 

Black and Golden Ink on paper | Brush Finish | 11" x 14"
The flower that is fully bloomed is our life in its prime.
The flower that is dying represents our last moments.
The withered petals represents the state of death.

The butterfly that is descending (next to the flower of prime) is the first distraction, of declining youth (growing old).

The butterfly that is next to the withered petals is the second distraction, the thoughts of death and how they take away from life.

The butterfly that is ascending (next to the flower of death) is the third distraction,  thinking of the afterlife as your life withers away.
Life, Death and Distractions


Life, Death and Distractions
