SUNG TZUHSI's profile


「突觸」為神經元和神經元的相接處。人身處於這個世上,所有的思考與啟發在腦中產生,其實都是外界訊號透過突觸,用乙醯膽鹼、正腎上腺素等神經傳導物層層傳遞的結果。若一切都是訊號,那我們又如何分辨何謂真實,何謂虛擬 ? 當世間的一切皆逃脫不了物理法則,因果論又不容置疑,我們的自我意識真的存在嗎?創作中的我們真的是我們在創作嗎?抑或是人類如同宇宙的突觸,只是在幫忙傳遞訊號呢?系展以「突觸」為名,我們每個人即是一個突觸,想法和作品在突觸間不斷碰撞、傳遞。

"Synapses" are the junctions between neurons and neurons. In this world, all thoughts and inspirations in our brain are actually the results of external signals transmitted through synapses, using neurotransmitters such as Acetylcholine and Noradrenaline. If everything is signal, then how can we tell what is real, and what is virtual? When everything in this world cannot escape from the laws of physics, and the theory of cause and effect cannot be doubted, does our self-consciousness really exist? Are we really creating what we are creating? Or are human beings like the synapses of the universe, just helping to transmit signals? The exhibition of NTUA VCD takes "SYNAPSE" as its name, each of us is a synapse, and ideas and works collide and pass between synapses.

設計 Designer | 宋姿熹 SUNG TZU HSI​​​​​​​
影片協同製作  | 詹文瑄 





