RX Hunter's profile

Medusa one and two

Medusa one, August 2022. AI assisted digital painting.
Medusa two, August 2022. AI assisted digital painting.
I've continued my experiments with AI assisted digital art. I generated some Medusa images a few days ago with Midjourney, and spent Saturday morning collaging, painting, recoloring and compositing the images above. They look great printed 8x10, and I'm going to find out if they hold up as large prints next week.

By way of disclaimer: I could not paint these with physical media. With the budget for a model, stylist, prop/set person, and a couple hours in a nicely equipped studio, I could produce some photos that would get you in the ballpark. Tools like Midjourney have allowed me to undertake a comic book project, make some stupid webcomics, and produce art like this in the span of about a month. AI assisted art isn't a jetpack, but it'll do for today.
Medusa one and two

Medusa one and two
