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Is This The End Artwork Concepts

Is This The End Concepts
Brand Script:

Have you ever opened the book of Revelation only to quickly shut it, feeling confused and uncertain? Are you unsettled by the recent economic, political, and civil unrest around the world? Have you recently been asking questions about the future you’ve never asked before? You don't have to look far to see that the world around us seems more unsettled than ever. Battle lines are being drawn in totally new places. ISIS is persecuting Christians at record rates. Just this week, you probably read about the millions of people - mainly Christians - that are fleeing Syria and Iraq even as we speak. We have an unstable Iranian situation. Israel is experiencing massive, on-going pressures as a nation. On top of that is the economic instability of China and stock market jitters around the world… it’s happening. The world is not what it was even twenty years ago. Instability seems to be at an all-time high. Having said that, we hear mention of Blood Moons, Harbingers, and economic collapse and if we are not careful, this ends up assaulting our minds and psyche with anxiety and fear.
Concept 1
Concept 1 displays four panels with three designs. The top center panel illustrates the gates of heaven as most people would imagine them being open in all their glory. 

The two middle panels are a mirrored image of angles blowing trumpets.

"Then the seven angels with the seven trumpets prepared to blow their mighty blasts." Revelations 8:6

The bottom panel is a loose interpretation of Revelation 22.

"Then the angel showed me a river with the water of life, clear as crystal, flowing from the throne of God and of the Lamb. It flowed down the center of the main street. On each side of the river grew a tree of life, bearing twelve crops of fruit, with a fresh crop each month. The leaves were used for medicine to heal the nations." Revelation 22:1-2
Concept 2
Concept 2 is identical to concept 1; however, the bottom panel is taken out and replaced with an astrological chart. People will be deceived by the world's theories discussed in Revelation. Going beyond what our minds can comprehend. What is it like to transcend past this life and into the next? This concept represents what people believe to be true versus what God teaches us to be true. 
Color Variation
Bilboard Mockups
Concept 3
Concept 3 is quite literal, it is a representation of Heaven coming to earth. 
Is This The End Artwork Concepts

Is This The End Artwork Concepts
