Subconscious DuudleHead
Subconscious DuudleHead is an art project and an experiment as well.

It is about discovering the edges of the subconscious and trying to connect subconsciouses of individuals who want to be a part of this experience.
Another point of the project is creating an artwork which is meaningful
from both far and close angle.

If you look closely, you see so many mini stories and details.
If you look distantly, you see a face which has a special feeling.
It starts with choosing a specific topic. It can be something people trying to understand from ancient times, just like life, death or happiness...

Or it can be something from our daily-basis life or pop-culture.

Because we have all in our minds.

And we are living daily-basis lives but as human-beings,
we also share a common mind from the beginning.
Finding materials depends on two techniques: Quick thinking and deep diving.

Quick thinking helps to find out the first images and memories in mind.
These are the first reflections of subconscious.

Deep diving helps to find some gems in subconscious and take off shelves on memories and ideas. Because sometimes it is hard to see what you have there.

At this step, there are some materials which symbolizes the topic.
But they all seem unrelated.
On the final stage, face-shaped collages are created by using all materials.
This is the one of the best ways to connect all of them.
All the materials turn into pieces of individual faces
which are connected to the topic as well.

And about the mood of the face in each artwork...
As the artist of the project, it may reflects my feelings while I create the artwork.
Who knows :)
If you want to look at the artwork, look distantly.
If you want to know me better and feel me, come closer.
Subconscious DuudleHead

Subconscious DuudleHead


Creative Fields