Monica Gianniti Brookbank's profile

Life, Death and Dying Poetry through my ages

My Funeral Day

The day I died, all time stood still
I had taken an overdose of pills.
My funeral was long,
They sang depressing songs
Which made me feel worse.
I specifically told someone
Happy sings only.

They don't know what
it's like to be smothered by the fancy pillows
they've placed in my box.
Pretty cushions, is this what they thought of me?
Yep! she's a cushion girl!?

It's cold in here, below the ground,
No one else to talk to,
I shall have to hum, quietly....
The face of dying.

There is someone at my window, I saw the curtains move
Two beady eyes were watching me, they began to cry.

There is someone there behind me, I saw the way they looked.
Their eyes were full of terror, the ground beneath me shook.

There is someone standing next to me, they are lost and old.
I heard them weeping solemnly, there were weeping for thier soul.
My Dad Giovanni Gianniti 24-05-1947 To 03-05-2009

I see your eyes light up in a laugh.
I hear your cheeky chortle.
Yoursound will be missed,
Your moustache with a wisp,
I will miss you dad
I love you.

Mums Eulogy Adriana Ispani 16-03-1947 To 12-07-2021

We will miss her hair smooth soft skin, her edge cutting wit,her cheeky grin.
 we will miss her wisdom and her love this beautiful being who was our mum
 so privileged to have had her be our guide
she has dropped her body like taking off a tight shoe
 But we will see you in the shadows see you in the light and
in our dreams
And we will love love love you.

Ti amerò finché l'universo non esisterà più 

What's next?

If I have another part of me, not bound by skin, tissue, blood, brains or veins
Energy, or soul, then I hope it lives on amongst the stars.
I look forward to being able to fly, float and glide.

And if there is nothing, and our conscieness evaporates,
If it is just the end when we die, 
Then there's no more to be said.
Strength in Grief

Rumour has it, they know best.
The thing is, that's not true.
I know what I know and that is everything to me.
It does not need to be understood by anyone else.
It means a lot to me, but not so much to you.
I know who I am, I know what I need.
Leave me be.

Touch me and I scream
Move and I jump
My heart is not strong enough to
hold you near me
My son.
Silent Witness

Silent witnesss
Blinded eye
Knows no sorrow
Cannot cry
From my Grave

Leave me here to dwell on life,
Thinking of what I know and wondering
how slow time goes.

Death by Fire

In a house on fire, I sit.
Flames downstairs and rising.
Heat from under the door, soon I will be no more.
Smoke now entering through the cracks, door frame
consumed by smoke
Engulfed by dried out air
I sit without a care.

I don't know why I don't move.
Scream I cannot, no air left
My lungs are black.
My eyes feel heavy
stinging, they close.

I am aware now that I want to sleep,
Lie down
My eyesclose tighterand my throat too.

Relax, just relax, you've got this.
I dream, then nothing but warmth.


Into their hungry mouths I feed.
They clamber up the walls.
My flesh to them is a twiglight zone,
Entering and re entering
invading my soul, crushing my memories
until hey have eaten them all.


So full of words, things to say
Yet nothing comes out.
Speeches waiting to be written, rights, wrongs to preach
yet nothing.
A busy head with a thousand thoughts 
all screaming to get out!
A feeling of confusion, my head in over drive.

Less is more, or more is better
What to say
I mumble
I stumble
I cry.

What does Grief look like

Define Grief
Hard done by
Happy Soul
Cannot cry
Cannot go on without
Freedom to live without
Must not laugh
Give the best
Depths of despair
High as a kite
Heart broken

I can understand them and their definitions
Therefore are they normal?
What if you do not fit a label or a box?
Are you still normal?
I think you are free.
Your Grief is yours and yours alone.

Always teaching
Always learning
Always feeding
Always needing

Life sucks us dry
Life fills us up
Constant energy expended
The end
Manic Day

Am having a manic day, the muse has jumped out of the walls and into me. 
It has filled my head with many ideas and they are all bursting to get out! 
Anyone else ever have these days?
 Although it seems like most days...sometimes it's tiring and draining but it's great when it comes out. 
That just helped too, sharing the thought of having the thoughts is quite a relief !

Aaahh i long for the silence.
You died and left me

My heart has melted into the midst of my bowels,
and you have dragged me into the pit of despair.Betrayal
The sound of dying

Ravaged sounds of baying wolves
engulf my mind.
Stretching it’s silence to the extreme edge
of darkness with searing sounds
like glass on jaggard glass.
I emptied the basket and found your head! 
I wondered where that thing had went? 
Normally it's in it's pride of place 
With the other taxidermied pets. 
Oh husband dear, how I lament 
that the laundry basket should have your head.

It felt cold,
They said i wouldn't feel a thing,
that it would pass by quietly, quickly,
 i'd to go to a better place.

But like a shiver down my spine. it hurt, sharp, short pains
like a knife in my back.
I felt faint, ill  as if it would never end.

They said i wouldn't feel a thing,
that it would pass by quietly, quickly,
but it didn't.
Death hurt.

Under siege
drowning silently is a myth.
A tall story
with no end in sight.
Follow the light

Falling towards the sun,
crashing into the pyramids of light.
with pounding wings that beat against the wind,
soaring higher and higher until entering and atmosphere of paradise.
Have I been here before?

Walking along an empty path
I am filled with remorse.
The trees are weak from the filthy air, I cannot breathe.
The wound is open,
it cannot be healed.
Open and throbbing, painfully aware of the pain.
It's stifling the atmosphere, it probes my mind,
and I think of a different time that has been.
Too soon it ended.
And again I am walking down an empty lane.
Dreams or Memories

Is it in my head?

I have a dream,
a reoccuring dream of a house on a street,
of a place where people meet to consume and converse
full of ideas and words.

They talk and talk
until everyone is done.
Then it ends and i wake
and the voices have gone.

Quiet, empty, spacious room.
Windows shimmering against the moon.
Darkness, eerie, something moves.
Countless nightmares I consume.
Coldness enters, shivers run and tears descend.

A shake, a twitch
your eyelids part and you are safe again in nature's arms.

The graveyard now is silent,
the mourners have dispersed,
and yet I hear him calling me, but from death there is no return.

I stand here at his graveside,
and ask the question why?
but i know his suffering has ended,
I know he had to die.

And so i stand here thinking,
of all he meant to me and as i turn 
I smile at him and see him smile at me.
Sometimes you can come too close to the darkness.
It begins to engulf you ,
It changes your mood,
flattens your spirit.
Almost like a self hypnosis
a way of fooling ourselves.
A meditation or self suggestion.
We are all conjurer's
Stone yard

The graves are old,
The tomb slabs bent,
The autumn leaves are small and wet.
The graveyard silent, the birds dispersed
and all that's left is the cold brown earth.
The world is a lonely place
With humans rattling around in its space.
Between the darkness and the light,
I am not surprised that we fight.
Too much time on our hands,
We feel we have to fill.
But we should just be still.
Uncles Husband Died

Your heart has left you,
but his love stays close by.
Your sunshine, he warmed you from within.
No memories will be extinguished, he is in your bones and there he will stay until the day you die , then your energy's will be entwined.
For you had a love that lasts the test of time.
The process of dying is long and laboured  breathing is a chore and swallowing is a burden. In out stop in out stop  breathing fighting to breathe. Knowing the end is coming and reaching out for it... grip tight. Strength still in arms and hands....tightly holding on. Hold on tightly,  let go lightly.... namaste
I'm wearing a spacesuit,  designed by my parents, my peers, and my environment. 
It's a snug fit and it matters what it looks like, but sets the tone.  

One day I will shed my spacesuit and all its expectations. 
One day I will be free to float amongst the stars, 
Home again once more.
Life, Death and Dying Poetry through my ages

Life, Death and Dying Poetry through my ages


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