Slacked beside the bundle of trust and the wheels of hope. 
Madras is rolling in front of me wearing the masks of hope, hatred, love and lust. I am halted here, recalling the clinks of the bangle clad hands that once whispered at my ears “my love, I will be with you forever”. I summoned that stiff hold that chanted the promise.
I still remember the days we laughed together, conquered the streets and strolled carefree. All I cared was about us.
Now I am alone with your memories that make me mad.  Struggling to stand upright lost in your thoughts. 
Nor the flashy lights or the bright flowers can quiver my heart. My eyes are wide open, but you slipped away from me.  Still, my wheels will roll to the vast stretch of uncertainty.
Madras Patnam


Madras Patnam
