Ultimate (ultimate frisbee), a different sport that is part of this story.

Bárbara and Fábio's singles session started out like no other.

And what's this about starting different? It started in an ultimate game.

They both play this sport, the idea came up for us to be part of the session there, and that was it.

A different and fun way, even for us :)

The sporty part was done, the romantic part was missing.

We chose the salt pans of Aveiro, a good spot.

The important thing was that we could talk a little about the big day and get to know Bárbara and Fábio better.

Top couple! Simple, super natural and nothing complicated, great late afternoon.

The weather wasn't as we wanted but it didn't stop us from getting good records.

Speaking of which, and to finish, I leave you with some pictures from the singles session.

See you soon...

"Enjoy the journey"
Engagement session in Portugal