My project "Paper Is?" is a series of works with fonts, books, videos, images and jewelry, divided into seven projects. The series of works all use paper as the creative material, and the paper is associated with the individual works, and each work expresses a different meaning. in this series
In the book, I explored the objects that paper can become and the emotions that paper can represent through the properties of paper itself, such as foldable, information-carrying, daily visibility, and low value. I found that there is the possibility of communication between paper and paper. Copy paper can no longer be a tool that only has the function of carrying text and images. Paper can express memories and feelings in its form. A channel for the inherent knowledge of small things.
Through four associations with paper, I have explored what paper can become beyond the inherent impression of paper. It also expresses that every existence that we have been accustomed to for a long time can have different meanings as long as we look at it from a different angle.
我的作品“Paper Is?”是一个以字体,书籍,影像,图像和首饰组成的系列作品,共分为七个项目。系列作品全部采用了纸作为创作材质,在单独作品中分别对纸进行联想,每个作品表达出不同含义。在这一系列中,我通过纸本身可折叠,可承载信息,日常可见,价值低廉等属性 探索了纸可以成为的物品和纸可以代表的情感。我发现纸与纸之间存在沟通的可能,复印纸可以不再是只有承载文本图像功能的工具,纸可以用其形态表达回忆和感情,纸可以给人带来联想,可以成为改变我对日常小物固有认识的一个渠道。
我通过对纸进行的四个联想,探索了纸在人对纸的固有印象之外,还可以成为什么。也借此表达了每 一个我们习惯已久的存在只要换个角度去看,都可以有不一样的意义。
06:Concept Design(TwinPeaks)
07: Manual Paper
Paper Is


Paper Is
