Big Cats

The Massai Mara offers an amazing diversity of wildlife, and with the right guide and tracker, and with enough time and effort invested, you can see Kenya's big cats in action.
Battle-scared and supremely confident, this male knows he is king.
Sunrise and on the prowl for an easy breakfast.
We tracked this leopard for a couple of hours.  I was ready to give up, but my Maasai guide David Nchoe was relentless. Only 20 feet away and I would have completely missed him if David didn't point him out.
In the shadows by the river...
The breakfast special at the Circle of Life Cafe was Zebra,  The leopard had to figure out how to eat it before other predators showed up to claim it.
Lioness on the hunt.
Cheetah cubs
Mom is hunting
Cheetahs are fast but are short range sprinters.  They have to wait for prey to get close to them to use their speed.
They continuously scan their area for prey.
Running cubs
A male Lion sizes up his prey.

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Big Cats

Big Cats


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