I know it's hard to believe, but they threw a puppy into our garden. Quite tiny, about 5 kilos, a bloated little ball of fur, which resembled a Rottweiler. I took him to the local shelter (and no, don't look at me like that, the shelter in Győr (Hungary) is the best place in the world. If I was a lost dog, I'd want my finder to take me here) because we couldn't decide whether or not to keep him or not.
That day was horrible. Of course, I couldn't even hold myself back, I was there two days later, so that if the two weeks passed and his original owner didn't come and get him, I would be the one to take him home.
We adopted him officially with vaccinations and a good dose of wormers. And since than, I just LOVE painting him.
Here's a sketchbook version I made with brush pens. The main project is a secret for now, but it has to do with the illustration course I attend, as Axi (as of Axel) will be the main character in a project of mine.
After all, why should I have to reinvent the wheel and download 20,000 reference photos when I have my own model, who I can observe in all kinds of positions and in full life-size?!
Here's some sketches about him with pastel and acrylics.


