Jacob Fairfield's profile

Indie Game Development

Indie Development 

A collection of game levels created in unity and unreal engines. Integrations with mixamo.com character models/animation packs and free assets.
A midevil themed game level in progress. This level was made to push my limits for AI enemies and combat animations. Made with Unreal Engine.
●Rapid prototype 
●BP in Unreal
●Level design, playable area landscape
●3D model and texture integration
●Animation & gameplay programming
●SFX allocation and integration
● AI sensing, pathing, and combat mechanics 
Another Unreal engine test of ability. A recreation of a zombies style game.
●Rapid prototype 
●C++ in Unreal
●Level design, playable area landscape, ●3D model and texture integration
●Animation & gameplay programming
●AI sensing, pathing and combat programming
A rapid prototype for a Space theme game. A 3D side scroller with some depth. I Have a great time designing this level and integrating these fun free assets from the Unreal asset store!
●C++/BP with Unreal
●Level Design and layout
●Art asset integration 
●Interaction animation programming
●Gameplay mechanics integration and programming 
●SFX allocation and integration
●AI sensing, pathing, and combat mechanic programming
Indie Game Development


Indie Game Development

A Display of Creative level design, and the integration of outside art assets. Sequencing of animations with gameplay, and development of the ove Read More
