Lone Wolf is a fictional project that is a non-profit organization focused around criminal justice and advocacy. It shares a market with the likes of the Innocence Project. This assignment required three pages and roughly 1,700 words of copy. Techniques such as self-hosting Wordpress through MAMP and utilizing Divi as a theme were learned throughout this process.
This is the logo created for the project. The font used is Roboto. Created in Adobe Illustrator.
This is a moodboard that was created at the start of the project. The purpose of this is to get a loose grasp of what your project is about while maintaining some sort of aesthetic. Created in Photoshop.
This style tile gives an overview of what the aesthetic of the website is like. This ranges from the colors used to the application of the fonts chosen.
These are two personas that are meant to encapsulate the two kinds of people who would take on a case at Lone Wolf. Created in Photoshop.
This is the site map to the project. If the website were to be fully completed (which is outside the scope of the assignment), these are all of the pages it would have. Optionally, there would also be a login system to be able to review and edit case applications. Created with Figma.
This is a video presentation of the final project. Since it is hosted locally, I cannot upload the files or attach a link here. This was created from scratch on Wordpress via the Divi theme. Video recorded using Flashback Express 6.
Lone Wolf


Lone Wolf
