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Filming And Post-Processing Your Whiteboard Animation

Filming And Post-Processing Your Whiteboard Animation | Blu DragonFly
If you wish to make a white board animation to present a great idea or concept to a group of investors, you must learn to do it professionally. Certainly, learning how to make whiteboard animation in a professional way is not easy.
You have to set up the lighting properly as well as use the right camera with the right camera settings. Normally, you can overcome these hurdles but the challenge comes during the last two phases of production, which are filming and post-processing.


Once you have set up the lighting and proper camera setting, you are ready to start filming. Assume the role of a director and allow your story to unfold to make the animation shine. Use a tape of any other color apart from white to make a frame on your whiteboard.
This prevents your talent from drawing out of screen. You should mark where the center of your frame is. Since the talent is close to the whiteboard, it can be tough to get a good composition.
Prior to filming, make a shot of the grey card, you made while setting the camera. Your talent may be holding pieces of paper with example drawings. Ensure that this do not appear in your camera. Ensure that there is no one standing in front of the lights since the shadows can be very distracting.
Film everything even when your talent wipes out drawings. Stay focused, while aiding your talent with the animation's sequence. The lights will make the room hot and everyone's energy will be low so make jokes to keep everyone fresh.


This is the last step in your whiteboard animation production. It is best to use the settings of an excellent movie editing software such as Adobe after Effects or Final Cut Pro to cross the T's and dot the I's. Determine your white color with a digital color meter as well as checking the whiteboard.
Determine also your black color similar to the white color but now checking the shots of your grey card. Keep adjusting the saturation, color and exposure settings to make this happen.
An important aspect of making the whiteboard animation is the audio. While recording your audio, make sure that there is no background noise. You must make certain that you have set the audio to the right volume. Find someone with a good voice to tell your story. Let the voice go hand in hand with your presentation on the whiteboard.
Filming And Post-Processing Your Whiteboard Animation

Filming And Post-Processing Your Whiteboard Animation


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