1. Portrait of Daphrose
Let me introduce to you , the portraits of the women who are part of my essay " Women of the dump"

Habimana Daphrose is a 35-year-old woman, wife and mother, she is one of the women who lives thanks to the Kinyankonge landfill in Buterere in the extreme northwest of the city of Bujumbura.
Her husband is a repairer of plastic household utensils.
Between them, they barely manage to find enough to survive.
They had 8 children together but only 4 survived. They entrusted 2 of the 4 to the extended family for their schooling because they could not afford to send them to school.
Every day is an endless struggle to survive, she told me.
©2022 Fabrice Mbonankira. All rights reserved.
Daphrose portrait

Daphrose portrait
