Queen Persephone: Halloween Portrait
Fall 2020

This project, while a lot of work, was a lot of fun to work on!

I decided to base my portrait on "Queen Persephone" from the Lore Olympus digital comic series by Rachel Smythe (see below).

I began with the initial image of myself and then modified my face with the liquify tool to exaggerate my features slightly. Then I moved on to adding more hair using the clone tool.

Following that, I clipped myself from the original photograph to situate myself into this city background - which stands in for the Underworld. I then used a clipping mask and adjustment layers to turn myself magenta.

I used the brush tool to show reflected light and using an adjustment layer to turn myself pink. I also created the neon advertisement for Underworld Con 2025, the Hades flowers (blue) in my hair, and Persephone’s crown in Illustrator.

Queen Persephone


Queen Persephone
