I created the this English/Arabic review clip as though it were intended to be put to YouTube and tiktok for viewing by customers. The brief clip can be posted on its own or as an advertisement break inside longer recordings. Because it's in many videos, more people will be able to watch the McDonalds evaluation. McDonald's is targeting a younger demographic of 18-25 year olds (McDonalds, 2022), therefore YouTube and tiktok are suitable places to promote their goods. This clip was made to show individuals who might be interested in tasting McDonald's what other people think about it and what's inside the sandwich. YouTube and Tiktok are ever-expanding platforms; in 2015, the amount of time spent on them was at an all-time highIn 2015, the average time spent watching YouTube by 18-49 year olds increased by 74%. Smith (2020).

To begin the video, I presented myself and went on to say what I would be discussing. I utilized the McDonald's logo so that people would recognize it if they saw it again. Later in the video, I highlighted the McDelivery app, which people may download and use to order their meals, increasing sales by 25% by the end of March 2022. I also suggested visiting McDonalds' website to boost web traffic by 25% by the end of March 2022. (McDonalds, 2022). Customers who aren't actively aiming to become McDonald's customers but may be intrigued after seeing the video can be reached via YouTube. This type of advertisement comes under paid media. Paid media is where the brand is paying me as an influencer to target consumers they may not typically get without this type of advertisement.  (Bailey, 2020) McDonalds decide what content has been presented to the customers through the use of a creative brief.

I decided to make this movie as a YouTube and tiktok video clip because it is more probable that a viewer will buy a product after seeing positive reviews from trustworthy influencers who discuss their own ideas and experiences with the business. According to statistics, 80 percent of buyers believe that product suggestions from micro-influencers are more trustworthy than other types of promotion. (Grin,2020)
According to Kruse (2015), content marketing is a method of attracting clients from those who are unfamiliar with the company. The video is the first stage in attracting clients; this is accomplished by using important terms in the video title that will catch their attention, such as "McDonalds " The Big Mac sandwich" review" in my case. The second phase is to increase traffic to McDonald's social media accounts and websites. Customers engage with the pieces by sharing them on social media, which helps with SEO optimization. This might be done by informing friends and family more about company, which helps the social media platforms develop and reinforces the firm's image.

Video References list

Bailey, C. (2020) An Overview of Paid, Earned and Owned Media. Xen. [Online] Available at: https://www.xen.com.au/blog/overview-paid-earned-owned-media
 [Accessed 25 Apr. 2022].

McDonalds (2022) McDonalds Creative Brief. [4BUS2006. McDonalds Creative Brief. April, 2022] [Accessed 25 Apr. 2022].

Grin (2020) Psychology of Influence – The Reason for the Rise of Influencer Marketing in 2020. [Online] Available at: https://grin.co/blog/psychology-of-influence/
 [Accessed 25 Apr. 2022].

Kruse, K. (2015) What is Content Marketing and Why Do I Need It? Kruse Control Inc. [Online] Available at: https://www.krusecontrolinc.com/content-marketing-why-need/
 [Accessed 25 Apr. 2022].

Smith, K. (2020) 57 Fascinating and Incredible YouTube Statistics. Brandwatch. [Online] Available at: https://www.brandwatch.com/blog/youtube-stats/
[Accessed 25 Apr. 2022].
McDonalds Review

McDonalds Review


Creative Fields