
This is my imaginary techno-heaven which is smarter than our thoughts and indirectly controls the human mind. The details are made to portray our world which is continuously changing. These floating objects are running towards infinity. It has no end. There are lot of things left to explore. But designers are busy in designing something which is eventually making humans lazy. Something like smart phones and other smart devices which are actually restricting us from exploring our real world outside. They are making us dependent on technology rather than making us independent. We can't even spend 24 hours without our mobile phones. Slowly and gradually we're becoming slaves of something created by us.
These levels are showing us the way we're relying on our technology. As soon as we climb up the stairs made on the bottom, we'll reach the peak of that level but on that point we can fall in a box which has no ends.
But, If we'll take a risk and jump over the next level; the chances to fall increases. And as I've said earlier that these devices are in a race "The race of how quickly they can make humans inert and sluggish. So as soon as we'll reach the higher level, we're gonna bind ourselves with this technology. In simple terms this is ironic that this technology helps us to complete our work speedily. It makes us busy in a way that we don't get time to call our companions. It makes us busy in a way that we get time for games and social media but not for family and friends. This is an endless spiral which moves on from climbing up the stairs to falling into a place where we can find loneliness but not peace.
We'll be safe if we won't ever climb up. those stairs and stay grounded and connected to our surroundings. On the contrary as soon as we'll climb up to explore and if we'll reach to the next level we'll fall into a impenetrable prison of technology. We'll be imprisoned by ourselves where we'll be bounded into social media, games, etc. It's a place where other people's lifestyle set up your goals; It's a place where we demoralise others to satisfy our ego. It's a place where you've everybody but apparently it's just a dream which looms like a mirage in the dust of technological race. It's a place where people have time for rumours but not for companions.