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A Yearning For Home Gift Booklet

A Yearning For Home by Dieter F. Uchtdorf
A Gift Booklet by Emme Gifford
The cover of the gift booklet next to the inside cover and first page
This project was very therapeutic for me. We were asked to design a gift booklet for a conference talk. The talk I chose was "A Yearning For Home" by Elder Dieter F. Uchtdorf. I felt that this talk resonated with my soul in ways that I can't explain. The premise of the talk is that since animals have an instinct to return home, no matter the cast, so do we. We have a spiritual desire to return to our Heavenly Parents. Elder Uchtdorf speaks of the ways our Heavenly Father has prepared for us to return to Him, and how we can make those steps to do so.    
Elder Dieter F. Uchtdorf of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles
We were only allowed to use one picture within the design. I wanted the picture I chose to work well with the content of the talk, without distracting from the message. I felt that this picture of Elder Uchtdorf was the perfect fit. I feel that the content on these pages fit with the photo, as the section is entitled "God Calls To You". It almost is as if Elder Uchtdorf is pleading with us to listen to that call. I loved the way that I was able to manipulate the content to go around Elder Uchtdorf's hand. I feel that this provided a way for both the content and the photo to work together without distracting from each other. 
Different shapes and sizes of houses in the color pallet
I wanted to chose a color pallet that symbolized home to me. I feel that the primary colors were the colors that spoke to me in that way. Growing up, home was a place of life and color. It was a place of safety and learning. I was taught the basic principles of the Gospel of Jesus Christ and was shown the stepping stones to take to return to my Heavenly Home. To me, the primary colors are symbolic of those stepping stones. Maybe it's because those colors are unable to be created by other colors, that the primary colors are the basic colors of the world, much like the simple steps of the Gospel are the basic things we need to go in order to return Home. 
Content pages with block quote
I chose to put the content in two columns as I felt that it allowed more content on the page without making the reader feel lost with an overload of information. I also felt that a left alignment worked best with the overall design of the booklet. I chose to put this quote on this page as I felt that this quote was a good representation of the content that fit on the page. 
Last page and the inside of the back cover
I wanted the inside back cover to be repetitive of the cover, so I added the three columns of the color, but I added it as a gradient so that the content at the top of the page wouldn't get lost in the color. I also put the block quote in a square similar to the one I put on the cover
Side by side of the back cover and the front cover
Overall, I felt that this project was good for my soul. Studying this talk was good for me, and every time I read it during each step of the design, I learned something new. I hope that this design reflects the things that I learned, and that it is something that resonates with other people's soul. 
A Yearning For Home Gift Booklet

A Yearning For Home Gift Booklet
