Manage social media planning for the execution of marketing strategies and community management.
Successful campaigns on social media platforms including Facebook, and Instagram.
Create graphic and visual content. Direction of product and lifestyle photography.
Analyze data to determine if the Kpi of the campaigns have achieved their objective.
Launch of new Jägermeister format: "Coolpack"

Main objective:
· Launch of new Jägermeister format: "Coolpack"  · Introduce the new Coolpack format.
· Reach our target audience and a new audience  · Campaign published through RRSS. (Facebook and Instagram)
· Our public interact OFF and ON with Jägermeister.

Through Instagram and Facebook we made a campaign on how to win a "Coolpack" 
We paste stickers of the brand in emblematic neighborhoods of Santiago (Bellavista, Lastarrias, Vitacura, Barrio Italia)
Followers and new audience would have to search for the signals and upload 
a story or post with the stickers found, and they will be participating for a "Coolpack". 
We used paid campaigns, influencers as support, story, and interactive posts on social media to help "find" them.
Summer campaign

Main objective: Involve the Jägermeister community in an organic and original way
The campaign consists of posting a story and post about the Jägermiester moment of summer.
We encourage our followers with a contest to upload stories of the best moments of the summer with Jägermeiter.
We did a photoshoot in local summer places in Chile: Summer/ beach / Outdoor occasions.

More than 200 people uploaded different types of stories (With family, at party, outdoor, on trips)
showing the best memories brought by Jägermeister.
All the people's stories have generated a positive and organic reach for the brand.
In the investment, we made different types of purchase: Interaction and Reach.
Making an A / B test, first to see which one is the best.
We also made a bigger invest on the weekends since that is when more people participate.



Creative Fields