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Reflected in the Void Invitation to Confession Letter

Reflected in the Void
Invitation to Confession
Letter to the leader of an Indian tribe Oriya

Invitation to Confession
Letter to the leader of an Indian tribe Oriya

" I do not care what you do for a living.
I want to know why it hurts your heart . Do you dare to dream about how to fulfill your fondest wish ?

I do not care how old you are . I want to know if you can take a chance and look ridiculous for love , for your dream , for the adventure that people call life.

I do not care what star sign is the moon in your horoscope and what planet it is surrounded . I want to know if you managed to know the mountain, whether you're immersed in the deep sadness. Have you managed to survive and become more open to the world thanks to the treachery or shudder in fear of a new pain ? I want to know if you can stand the pain , or my own, without hiding or softening it , and not trying to fix it.

I want to know if you can live with joy, mine or his , if you can be wild and dance like crazy . Can you be filled with ecstasy so that happiness flowed over the edge ? Can you forget about everything , even that you are a man , even that you have to walk the earth ? Can you fly? ...

I do not care whether your words are true . I want to know if you can disappoint another to follow their truth, to be honest with yourself. Can you withstand the accusations of betrayal and not betray your soul? Can you, defying belief , remain those who can be trusted?

I want to know , Can you see the beauty of every day that ugly. Can you draw strength in her presence ?

I want to know if you can live , knowing defeat or mine, I do not care , while standing at the edge of the lake and shout huge silvery moon , " YES ! " .

I do not care where you live and how much money you have . I want to know if you can after a night of grief and despair , exhausted from crying and unbearable pain , stand up and do what our children need .

I do not care who you sign and how I got here . I want to know if you can stand with me in the midst of the fire, not staggered .

I do not care what you know , and who taught you that . I want to know what fills you up inside . What will be left when there is nothing ?

I want to know if you can be alone with yourself, Do you imagine in the reflection of emptiness ? "
Reflected in the Void Invitation to Confession Letter

Reflected in the Void Invitation to Confession Letter

Reflected in the Void Invitation to Confession Letter to the leader of an Indian tribe Oriya
