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Sienna Network - Blockchain Explainer Video

Sienna is a cross-chain, privacy-first decentralized finance protocol built on Secret Network, that enables trustless financial instruments, such as trading and lending with complete privacy for multiple blockchain ecosystems. 

Sienna Network is built on the aforementioned Secret Network, and is a privacy-first and cross-chain decentralized finance platform, allowing asset holders to switch to a privacy-oriented token. 

Sienna helps access to the privacy-preserving blockchain in a user-friendly way due to the blockchain’s inherent privacy design. Sienna saves no login information, no wallet data, no transaction data, or anything else. It does not even track its website or give any information to any third party. 
Also playing in this privacy space are Uniswap, PancakeSwap and other DEXs in the crypto ecosystem. However, where SiennaSwap differentiates, is its privacy-preserving features, which address the front-running issue. Sienna is also part of the Cøsmos Ecosystem, where plenty of new projects are launching, virtually every day, further enhancing its broader offering. 

Sienna Swap 

With Secret Networks bridges, tokens for the Ethereum, Binance Smart Chain, Cosmos blockchains and Monero ecosystems are bridged to their privacy preserving equivalents. For example, USDC becomes secretUSDC. 

Sienna token holders can convert tokens into their private equivalent and then swap or place them in liquidity pools to gain yield. 

Transactions are executed almost instantly, and with privacy combined, the industry scourge of front-running by miners is eliminated. 
This means our users can avoid the lack of privacy on exchanges that allow others to see what users are doing and arbitrage on those transactions with “front running” — a key weakness of crypto transactions today. 
With our bountiful Liquidity pools and Single-Side staking, you can earn rewards up to more than 100% APR, while you also take your position as an early supporter of Sienna and it’s future. 

SiennaSwap allows users to swap privately between tokens and stake liquidity in the pools to gain their share of the trading fees and earn rewards in SIENNA. Lastly, the more volume SiennaSwap gets, the larger decrease in circulating supply of SIENNA. 
So what are you waiting for? Come check out SiennaSwap at and try out our features for yourself. Be a part of our community and engage in our Telegram & Discord chats. Follow us on our socials. Witness history as Sienna becomes the de facto standard in privacy-first DeFi.

The only lending platform on Secret Network, Sienna Lend, is also coming very soon. So make sure you keep an eye on our Roadmap.
Sienna Network - Blockchain Explainer Video


Sienna Network - Blockchain Explainer Video
