We had the absolute priviledge of documenting the story of Edward*, one of the survivors of human trafficking that our investigations team here at Hope for Justice helped rescue.
We would really appreciate your feedback on how we could film / grade / document / storytell better - these stories are so precious to us AND to the survivors like Edward. 
Thanks for your support and feedback!
Edward's Story
“I needed to earn enough money for my daughter for her school, and I heard about a good job in 
England, so me and two others took it. We were picked up and driven to a port, and went on a ferry 
to England. When we arrived they said we were going to work for good money, so we worked very 
hard for long hours to finish the job well. But when we finished, we never got paid. Instead we were 
locked up. They forced us to do more work and they would beat us and threaten us if we didn’t 

“We couldn’t go anywhere because they took our passports, IDs and money. We were stuck. I felt 
hopeless, totally powerless. We would fix up houses, and do gardening. I had to move heavy things 
that I couldn’t even lift. I worked from the early morning until very, very late, seven days a week. All 
we were given was some tobacco, alcohol and bread and butter for the week. 

“So that’s how we lived. At this time, I knew I was a slave. I felt very sick, hungry and tired all the 
time. I was sold from person to person, bartered for right in front of my face. I heard a man say I 
wasn’t even worth £300. I felt worthless. I felt like rubbish on the floor. I wished that I could die - 
that it could all be behind. I just wanted a painless death. 

“I finally decided that I would rather be killed trying to escape than stay. I knew one man who lived
a long way away. I had no money or transport so I had to walk as fast as I could or they would catch
me. My legs are bad because they beat me, but I had to keep going. I walked for 10 days straight
with no stopping. I walked about 200 miles but I was very scared and lost so walked a lot extra. I 
found some shoes, they were the wrong size, but they were all I had.

“When I was walking, all I could think about was the traffickers. They are chasing me, they will find
me- I was very worried. I thought of my daughter too. I had let her down so much. I felt shameful. I 
was very cold, hungry and alone. I couldn’t find help anywhere. Eventually I reached the city of my
friend but I had no way to find him. I knew then that this was the end for me.”

An organisation trained by Hope for Justice to spot the signs of human trafficking recognised
that Edward was a victim of trafficking and contacted Hope for Justice. Our trained investigators
were called they provided a rescue pack with clean clothes, and toiletries and made it possible
for Edward to go into safe accommodation and begin his life again.
Edward now lives in freedom.

Now he has hope. Edward described his feelings after being rescued:
“I was very happy when I met with Hope for Justice. I knew someone was going to help me. They 
gave me new clothes, food and a very comfortable bed. They took me to London to get me a new 
passport. Hope for Justice have been very good to me. I didn’t expect any help. I thought I was 
finished. I am so happy to be free. To be alive.”
*Name changed to protect identity.


A rescued victim of human trafficking describes his story.


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