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Augmented Reality: The Future of Technology

                            Augmented Reality: The Future of Technology
Technology is evolving at a faster pace than we could ever imagine. Let’s discuss everything that you should be knowing about Augmented Reality (AR).

What Exactly Is AR?
So basically AR is a combination of digital and our physical world, where we can generate digital visuals and information in our world, to enhance the quality of work and activity. Through the cameras of phones/ tablets or smart glasses, AR can put an overlay of the digital content into our actual environment. This technology doesn’t account for users’ surroundings, it rests on top of any surface, with our physical world acting as a constant background for it. It normally can be seen in the form of a floating advertisement on our mobile screens.

Uses Of AR
All of us have witnessed the power of AR in some way or the other. Most games like PokemonGo have been using AR to make the experience more interactive. Games aside, there are as many uses for AR in our everyday lives as there are Pikachu on the loose in Pokemon GO. Here are just a few examples:

Furniture and home decor can be placed digitally to give you an idea about how a piece of furniture will look and fit in your space. 

AR can be used in teaching to make the learning process more exciting

In the retail sector, installing AR technology will enable shoppers to virtually try-on clothes or accessories on themselves before checkout out, which will not only be exciting for the customers but also result in fewer returns, hence saving costs.

AR presents a huge opportunity for travel brands or cities/countries to give potential tourists an even more immersive experience before they travel through virtual tours.

There are many more use cases since we are achieving great heights when it comes to AR. One such company working in this field is WoWExp Technologies, they build immersive experiences with emerging technologies like AR, VR & AI for making an everlasting impact on society as well as businesses.

Why is AR technology so prominent?
AR technology is so prominent because it gives you the freedom to create a huge difference from 2D to the 3D world. With the user base expected to grow beyond 1 billion by 2020 and reach a compound annual growth rate of 151.93% between 2019 and 2025, AR is a powerful technology hub. This will affect marketing, media, and advertising campaigns that give freedom to online businesses.

AR is also a game-changer for nearly 190 million people worldwide who are handicapped, including those who are visually impaired.

From what we have discussed it is evident that the whole world is looking forward to the future of augmented reality as it can make our lives more secure and hassle-free. It can make the impossible possible, that is why we denote it as “The Future of Technology”.

Augmented Reality: The Future of Technology

Augmented Reality: The Future of Technology


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