Bloc Architects
A brand that informs & inspires
Building a dream home or embarking on a grand design is a unique experience. A once in a lifetime opportunity like this naturally brings with it nerves and questions. Finding an architect that can answer fundamental questions, guide a client through planning and construction and produce something you love to live in requires time, effort and trust.

Bammy at Bloc is passionate about design, and he had already undertaken initial brand identity concepts for Bloc. We worked together to refine his vision and create a coherent visual strategy for Bloc Architects going forward.
The concept for the visual identity centres around geometrics shapes or ‘blocks’ that have been constructed to create the letterform ‘BLOC’ in a style influenced by an architectural floor plan.

These ‘blocks’ provide a flexible design system that can be rolled out across a range of brand touchpoints. A warm bright colour palette was developed to create an assured, welcoming tone for the brand - aiming to move away from the clinical cold nature of many architecture brands.
“When you start a new business getting the branding right is key. Sam was great to work with. Taking the initial concepts we had already developed for Bloc Architects, he was able to listen, refine it and strengthen the branding to create a coherent strategy for the company. I couldn’t recommend him anymore highly.”

Bammy Williams, BLOC Architects
The visual requirements for BLOC Architects’s website were clear, it had to be clean and uncomplicated. The portfolio of work had to speak for itself, using imagery as the key design element.

Another of Bammy’s key strengths is his creative and pragmatic approach to projects. This informed a beautiful services page that outlined BLOC’s strategy for any project.

Visit their website:
Bloc Architects


Bloc Architects
