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Endangered Species Infographic

Endangered Species Info-Graphic
Project Brief
Design and produce an Info-Graphic that teaches and changes attitudes about Endangered Species. The animal species chosen were turtles. The first Info-Graphic is about the Blanding's Turtle in Minnesota. The second Info-Graphic is about Sea Turtles.
In this day and age, fewer and fewer people are willing to spend the time and effort to read a poster or anything in general. That is why an Info-Graphic is so effective. It combines necessary information and visual elements into one significant design.
Blanding's Turtle Info-Graphic in Minnesota
For example, the "Calling For Help" graphics can draw people in as they stand out among the rest of Info-Graphic, as it is a bright red on a lighter tint of blue and green. The graphics shown are large and understandable at a quick glance. Minimal text is added to ensure a confident understanding of the graphic meaning. 
Sea Turtle Info-Graphic
After people are drawn in, they would likely spend the next few minutes scanning the rest of the poster. Since an Info-Graphic is mainly designed over words, it would only take a few minutes for a person to capture the main idea of the overall design. Saving the Turtles. 
The simplest part of the info-graphic was researching about the endangered animal and finding out all the necessary information. In addition, sketching and designing every design element was extremely fun. The hardest part was the layout of each design piece and finding the right fonts that would support the meaning behind the info graphics. An Info-Graphic is a designer's most powerful tool. It combines both written words and visual elements to create a powerful first impression. 
Endangered Species Infographic


Endangered Species Infographic
