Aeneas Eaton's profile

Poetry, illustration, typewriter, art, book making

This eight page booklet was handmade. Using paper, cardboard, pen, and watercolor to create the book itself, in order to create a weathered and ‘old’ feel to the paper I soaked the pages in coffee to stain it, and hand stitched the book rather than staple it. Each page hold one stanza of Sylvia Plath’s poem The Applicant. Below,accompanying each stanza is an illustration that I made to portray the over arching theme of the poem. I enjoyed the process of creating this booklet as it allowed me to try my hands at a typewriter for the first time, which I immediately fell in love with. I also had the first chance make my first book, including binding, measuring and backing. I am proud project as a whole, and the only thing I would do to make it better next time would be to type directly onto the paper itself rather than gluing the individual stanzas on and also using stronger glue to ensure the project stays in tact over the years
Poetry, illustration, typewriter, art, book making

Poetry, illustration, typewriter, art, book making
