Qiaoqiao Tang's profile

Making of: APSARA 2019 # 01

Making of: APSARA 2019
# 01

The Rise of Data Intelligence  数·智
数:数据 data / 数字 digital / 数字化 digitalization
《万物皆数》/ 数学 mathematic / 无数 / 数学模型 / 代码 code / 算法 algorithm / 算数 arithmetic / 
计算 computing / 运算 / 测算 / 开发 develop /
智:智慧 wisdom/smart / 智能 intelligence / “制”造 make / 智造 create/

Human Wisdom & Machine Intelligence & Data Intelligence
“ Computers just stole one of the human brain's best tricks - Neural Network. ”
人类智慧 & 机器智慧 & 数据智慧
“ 计算机只是窃取了人类大脑最好的技巧之一 ”

In the past, there was human wisdom. Later, computers imitated human brain to produce "wisdom". Today, big data also has its own "wisdom".
The design concept comes from the human brain and mainly expresses wisdom. In form, it is mainly expressed in particles, that is, atomic atoms of the physical world and bit bits of the virtual world, coupled with data and moving lines. Everything in the world is composed of particles, ranging from the universe, planets to the body, cells and wisdom.

Design Progress
Use APSARA as a container, and use data particles as filling changes.
Keywords: Alibaba Ecosystem / Construction / Emotional Bond
关键词:阿里生态 / 建造 / 情感纽带

APSARA is the first conference for developers to present innovations in China. It's also a platform for innovation, entrepreneurship and big data. 
Over the past decade, APSARA has been expanding with the vigorous development of Internet and cloud computing. It's a microcosm reflecting the booming of the industries. Besides, its positioning and content have been evolving from focusing on product technology and client application to paying equal attention to service and cloud ecological construction. 
APSARA has become the trend-setter of cloud computing, displaying the latest application and its result.

- My role
Creative Director
Lead Designer
Concept & Creative Design
KV Design
Motion Graphic Design
- Year
June - Augest 2019
- Made in Alibaba Cloud

Thanks for watching *_*

Making of: APSARA 2019 # 01


Making of: APSARA 2019 # 01
