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Responsive design for Online dating startup

Multi-platform responsive design for an online dating startup
The dating website is designed to offer the options of rating and leaving feedback for other users. The purpose of this rating is to allow people to see themselves through other people's eyes and therefore learn what they need to do to find their perfect match.
Rating systems across platforms
Desktop: Stars change colour upon hover. Click to submit rating.
Tablet: Moving the slider left and right changes the colour of the stars. When the user is happy with the rating, they then press the 'Rate Me' button
Mobile: More condensed system to allow for smaller screen sizes. User chooses a rating by either sliding the star left and right or using the arrow buttons to select a number. Once chosen, the user presses the "Rate Me' button to submit.
Landing page
Member Homepage after login showing the dashboard and news feed
Selected for you page which generates profiles based on previous user inputted data. Shows the star rating system. Upon rating, the 'View full profile' link appears.
Sliding menu on tablets
Tablet search result page with slider rating scale for touch screens instead of hover-based interaction
Sliding menu
Roulette mode: This shows a randomly generated profile which has not been previously rated by the user. The user uses the slider to select a number between 1 - 10 then presses the "Rate Me" button to submit the rating. After rating, the slider is replaced with 3 buttons giving options to view the full profile, send a message or ask for a rating in return.
Responsive design for Online dating startup

Responsive design for Online dating startup

Responsive multi-platform design for dating website
