Jo ged's profile

Synthesis: Aesthetic Dialectics between Human & Nature

In life, change is inevitable. In every shift in civilization and way of thinking that occurs from time to time, often new ideas are formed in response to the ideas of their predecessors. This contradiction phenomenon can be seen as a dialectical process, which we encounter in every aspect of life. The dialectical process is divided into three components. There is thesis as the initial determination, antithesis in the opposite side that challenges the thesis, and synthesis; the result of the fusion of truth that exists in both. 
Through the work of Synthesis, I manifest the dialectical process into a practical form through an installation painting. I try to create a new, concrete reality, by fusing contradictory ideas and materials, without canceling each other out. Departing from the background of painting, I did this fusion by replacing 'frame' which became the physical limitation of painting with a universal and boundless 'frame' of nature. Synthesis describes the dynamics that occur at the intersection between the modern and romantic, reality and surreality, convention and outside convention.
The work consists of 6 paintings, connected with each other. The size are made to be massive, each paintings ranging between 1,5 to 6 meters.
Synthesis: Aesthetic Dialectics between Human & Nature


Synthesis: Aesthetic Dialectics between Human & Nature
