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Is Health Coaching the Key to Changing Habits for Good?

Is Health Coaching the Key to Changing Your Habits for Good?
Odds are, you've been hearing more about health coaching lately. There’s a good reason for that: the industry is on the rise. Health coaching is expected to grow 5.4% per year, with more people seeking patient-driven care for their health. If you’re not familiar with the profession, a health coach offers gentle support to help you reach your health and wellness goals, whether you’re trying to exercise more, reduce your stress, or lose some weight. There are several facets that make up a health coach’s role and scope. I’ve broken down some of the details below:

What Health Coaches Do:

They act as a guide.

This is the core of what health coaching is. A health coach will listen to you as you talk through your challenges and help you find a path forward. They might offer a bit of advice here and there but focus on helping you find your own solutions.

They offer accountability and support.

Health coaches will meet with you regularly to discuss your goals. If you’re making good progress, you may start to work on a new goal. If you’re not, you’ll work together to tweak your plan and try a different strategy.

They serve as a source of unconditional positive regard.

Health coaches go through extensive training on how to hold empathy for clients. They don’t judge or critique but instead listen and engage with you in a respectful manner. Health coaches consider first what’s best for you, and won’t push their agenda.
Health coaches offer gentle support and collaboration to help you reach your goals.
What Health Coaches Don’t Do:


Health coaches aren’t certified to write diet or exercise plans. They also won't recommend specific supplements or medications. While there are health coaches who hold other certifications, the scope of a health coach doesn’t include these components. That’s not to say that health coaches aren’t knowledgeable on these topics. They can help you get started on any specific plans you're given.


As I mentioned above, it’s out of the scope of a health coach to give you specific instructions on how to reach your goals. You might be used to this type of health professional, and it may feel unusual at first to be more involved in making your own plans for your health. But, research shows that patient-centered care leads to better health outcomes. Doctors' offices and hospitals have started employing health coaches for this reason. 


Health coaches can help you put your doctor’s orders into action, but they aren’t a replacement for specialized care. If you’re feeling unwell or suspect an underlying cause to any health struggles, it’s best to see a doctor.

Now that you’ve learned about what a health coach is, you might be considering if health coaching is for you. Here are some things to consider before you hire a health coach:

How do I know if a health coach is right for me?

You say the phrase “I know what to do, I just need to do it.” 

This statement is two-fold: first, you probably don’t need a prescribed exercise or diet plan. Maybe you know that you can take walks to hit your exercise goals. Or, you know that you need to eat more fruits and veggies to improve your eating habits. The second part of this statement is why having a health coach could be helpful for you: you just need to do it. So, why aren’t you? What challenges are getting in your way? A health coach can help you remove some of those barriers so you can start taking action towards your goals. 
Health coaching might be for you if you know what to do, but have a hard time getting started.
You’re not interested in being told what to do.

If you went to the doctor recently and found yourself frustrated because they talked over you and prescribed treatment you didn’t agree with, you may find a happy home in health coaching. Health coaches will prioritize what you feel is best for yourself and work with you to create a plan you can stick to. 

You’re not interested in a “lose weight fast” approach.

The diet industry pushes lots of "quick and easy" approaches to health and weight loss. But the truth is: these approaches might work for a little while. They’re often unsustainable, which means you’ll end up going back to your old habits. A health coach is for you if you know that change takes a lot of time and a bit of hard work.

What are some signs that health coaching isn’t for me?

While I believe health coaching is for everyone, it might not be for you at this moment. Here are some signs that health coaching isn’t for you right now:

You’re not ready to change.

You might love the idea of change (maybe you want to be a smaller dress size, or you envision a future where you’re a runner). But, you've realized you’re not ready to put in the work. And, that’s okay! Change is hard. However, a health coach won’t try to convince you that you need to change. You’ll need to find the reasons within yourself and be ready to change before finding a health coach.
If you’re weighing the pros and cons of change, a health coach can nudge you forward. But, if you’re not sure you’re ready to do the work, it may not be time for you to hire a coach.
You need extra support.

Maybe you have no idea where to start with exercise. Or, you suspect a thyroid issue is why you’re struggling to lose weight. You may find that you need to focus on your mental health first, and health coaches can’t replace the specialized care you’d get from a therapist. Additionally, health coaches aren’t trained in assisting with eating disorders. Sometimes, a health coach will work in tandem with a therapist, but they don’t handle eating disorder treatment. So, you may choose to wait until you’ve got a better handle on these areas before you start working with a health coach.

You want “tough love.”

Some people like a personal trainer who is hard on them--one who yells at them to push harder. That’s not what health coaches do. Health coaches are a gentle source of support. They focus on accountability, not punishment.
Health coaches offer gentle encouragement, not orders and “tough love.
I hope this helped you learn a little more about health coaching and if it's for you. If you decide you’re interested, please reach out via email to set up your free consultation!
Is Health Coaching the Key to Changing Habits for Good?

Is Health Coaching the Key to Changing Habits for Good?


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