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Wall Wallpapers - Life N Colors

Picking Wallpapers that are in Sync with Vaastu Friendly Elements
Incorporate the 5 Vastu Elements Judiciously: Vastu, is a confluence of 5 essential elements and how you choose to place them within your interiors has an important role to play. For instance, the element “Earth” which signifies patience and stability should be the dominating factor in the center and towards the diagonal directions of every corner. Therefore, you need to make sure your wallpaper designs for these areas contain earthy elements. Similarly “air” should dominate the east, “space” the west, “fire” the south and “water” the north.

Whenever you choose wall wallpapers for bedrooms or wall decor designs for any other space for instance, make sure you select the patterns and designs with respect to the position of the room. Life n Colors wallpapers provide a vast range of options to choose from, and picking vastu compliant designs and motifs is not likely to be a problem at all. You can select designs of compliance without having to compromise on aesthetics or personal preferences.

Choose the Right Shades for your Designated Rooms : Picking the right wallpaper for your space has also a lot to do with picking the right colors for the designated area. More often, we tend to obsess over designs and layouts to such an extent that we forget to pick the right colors that would gel with the aura of the space and usher in stability , prosperity and progress.

This is where specific guidelines are to be adhered to. Consider the colors light green, pink and light blue for your bedrooms. Tan, green, blue, beige and even yellow is a great choice for your living spaces. For the kitchen, consider yellow, orange, white, rose pink and red. Chocolate is also a great option for the kitchen.

For the bathrooms you could consider whites and grays or even a combination or a mixture of white and gray. Pastel shades also work well for your bathrooms.
Wallpapers for livingrooms or for other spaces should be chosen, keeping these color preferences in mind. You can discuss these specifications with your decor provider even when you buy bedroom wallpapers online.

Colors, Directions and Planets: The core of vastru shastra lies in the interplay of planets and their weilding powers. By choosing the right colors, designs and motifs we need to pacify these planets and maximize the benefits of the same. And, a lot depends on the choice of colors for every direction of the house as well. For instance, east is the direction of the planet Sun and the most suitable color for it is white. Similarly, its west for Saturn and the most ideal color for this corner in Blue.

 Reserve green for North as it is the centre of Mercury. Mars resides in the south and quite like the planet itself, the preferred colors would have to be either coral red or bright pink. The South-west is for rahu and the preferred color would be all shades of green. Venus governs the South east and the color should be silver white. The north west is governed by the moon and the color is white.

As it may seem, the choice of colors for your wallpapers or other decor elements for that matter, involves a complex dynamics of options. It is important to make choices that create a perfect balance between the aura of the space and the planet that governs the direction where the space resides. Ideally, you should opt for a solution provider that engages a team of trained professionals to help you make the right choices for picking wallpapers for walls with the most suitable color combinations
Wall Wallpapers - Life N Colors

Wall Wallpapers - Life N Colors


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