Social Message
#Me Too Dark : Dark girls get taunted for their dark skin complexion, so they try to hide themselves away from these unruly words by different means of makeup, this sketch was made to give them support as for to love yourself as who you are. Embrace yourself. Know that your skin, whatever color it may be is absolutely beautiful. It's the makeup you've been naturally blessed with. Even though some of us maybe darker than some so we wear makeup, and also get tanned from the sun, don't forget to love yourself both ways and you are loved both ways. You don't always have to contour to fit.
#Society : To the women's who are oppressed by the society for their looks and they are not allowed to fulfill there career dreams and are caged by the society rules and thinking, wants to get freed and have enjoyable life outside this society cage. Believe in being strong when seems to be going wrong. Believe that happy women is the prettiest women. Believe that tomorrow is another day and believe in miracles. 

Social Message


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