Vagmi Pathak's profile

National Geographic | Photojournalism

National Geographic Photo Camp, Delhi 2020

Worked with the National Geographic's first Virtual Photo Camp (Global Connections) and GenGeo storytelling course in July, 2020 to share our own stories when we all were in the middle of the Pandemic. A strange stage and transformation period in our lives. 
Who am I?
a question that was forced on me by a virus
Is the end nigh?
since there is a lot to do in the I.

A form that touches the skin, that creates a movement and feel the textures around. The same form moves into different spaces to grasp the moment in her arms. Or is it the form where the ear perceives sound made by the vibration of strings. The same form gives tranquility and the presence of mind by the rhythm of it. The form uses all the variations to emote and feel, to build a tale of her journey .

So the question is who am I ?

I am the above forms to communicate my world to you.

National Geographic | Photojournalism

National Geographic | Photojournalism
