Ava Herring's profile

Process work for the Greenline Foundation

This was a brand refresh project completed for the Greenline Foundation which I spent several months working on with my group partner Gillian Payne.

These are our initial sketches and inspirations for the Greenline foundation. These keep in mind redlining in Kansas City and the surrounding area, we wanted to explore themes of positive expansion, growth, healing, and topographical maps.
We began asking our clients, the owners of the Greenline Foundation Ajia and Chris Morris, what they thought home was and what they felt it was not.  Many of their answers about what they felt home was held tones of safety, warmth, familiarity, and security; their answers for what home was not were in line with feelings of danger, cold or emotionless spaces, unfamiliar territory, unwelcoming, and temporary.  As part of our campaign for their brand refresh we came up with the fill in the blank "Home is:_____" for their clients and donors to actively imagine what they feel they want their home to be and dare to imagine it as their personal space.  
Our next iteration came from when we went to the Nelson-Atkins Museum of Art and were inspired by the African and African-American portions of the museum.  These sketches are directly attributed to black hair braiding, Gees Bend quilts, and woven pieces within the gallery which are all prominent tones within our thinking and creating process throughout this project.  The state outlines are in reference to the areas that the Greenline Foundation and its sister company the Greenline Initiative work most heavily in to reform redlined communities without displacement, negative impact on the residents, or gentrification that often follows closely behind reinvigorating blighted black communities. Below are these designs manifested
Process work for the Greenline Foundation

Process work for the Greenline Foundation
