Try it out: Cemetery Walk

Bloomfield College: Game Design CAT 420

Made with Unity 3D

Capstone Final: Duration 3 Months

December 15, 2021
Cemetery Walk is a 3D unity project I created for my game development class. I have always been fascinated with horror games since I was a child. I wanted to create a world in the forest where there was a feeling of being watched. I liked the idea of creating a first-person game that didn't have anything to defend himself except for running. The feeling of being lost in the woods is something I have experienced in my life and is truly terrifying especially at night. The way the skies turn pitch back and you have nothing on yourself except a flashlight. That is the feeling I wanted the player to experience.
I started to brainstorm stories that can give my game a reason to play. I decided that the main character would go into the forest to retrieve something of importance to the main character. Zack would be the name I chose for the protagonist, I went with the story of the main character trying to provide money for his family who is not in the best living situation. Zack's family is struggling to pay their rent and if Zack doesn't figure out something soon his family would be on the street. Winter was approaching and when Zack is running out of time, he has an interaction with 2 shady individuals. The two men ask Zack job opportunity to dig up valuable rings and jewelry. However, this would be very dangerous for the protagonist. I wanted to create zombies that would try to stop the main character from getting the jewelry. I didn't want Zack to have a gun because I believe that would make the game too easy. I wanted the player to feel the same terror the character would feel in real life. To complete the game you must pick up as many valuables as before the sunrise or the mission would be a fail.

Cemetery Walk

Cemetery Walk


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