Speculative Design —— The Debate Studio

Echo chamber, which is our research background. It refers to a situation in which people are exposed only to information about a particular point of view again and again. Such environment is thought to lead to a reinforcement of one’s attitudes when attitude-fitting information such as news, opinions and beliefs is repeated and amplified while counter-attitudinal information is missing. This ultimately can lead to group polarization and affect communication between people.

Our research finds that currently, echo chamber is resulted from research engine which directed by algorithms. These prediction engines on the internet constantly analyze various data points of the individual and creates different sets of information presented to each individual, accordingly. The algorithms are used in a wide range of internet sites; for example, the search engine Google and the social networking site Meta (Facebook). 

We predict that in the future, artificial intelligence will develop to a new level and become much more clever. The recommendation system no longer need to judge people’s attitudes based on the content they type in, instead, it could directly analyze people’s attitudes when they see a piece of information. Therefore, the webpages could update rapidly and show more relevant information accurately.

How the product is used ?
The company holds a debate studio and invites employees to participate in it. The employees put forward their views on the topic proposed by the company and record their voice into the weights. During the debate, the employees are divided into two teams according to the two points of view which are agree and disagree. The employees hold their own weights and stand at the two long ends of the scale to debate in turn. Through the debate, if you favor the other team's point of view, then the other team's weight will be categorized at the short end of the scale. If you remain opposed to the opponent's viewpoint, then the opponent's weight position will not change. If you can find flaws in the opponent's viewpoint such as logic, factual basis, etc., then the opponent's weight will be discarded. In addition, the AI will continue to observe people's facial expressions throughout the process, so as to analyze their real opinions and indicate where to place the weights. After the debate, the weights will be counted and the whole process will be reviewed so that people can check it later.

Speculative Design —— The Debate Studio

Speculative Design —— The Debate Studio

A speculative design focus on the future designers‘ groupwork and echo chamber (or called information cocoon).
